Left of Banner: Walton County Seal. Center of Banner: Walton County Florida, Supervisor of Elections. Right of Banner: Headshot of Ryan Messer. His name appears to the left of the headshot above his title - Supervisor of Elections
20 August 2021

Door-to-Door Solicitation


The Walton County Supervisor of Elections Office is warning residents of Walton County about individuals going door-to-door soliciting people to register to vote, update their existing voter registration record, or other voting-related information. These individuals and/or organizations are not associated with the Walton County Supervisor of Elections office. Our office does not go door-to-door to solicit voter registrations, updates, or other information.

It is unknown, but possible that these individuals may be working on behalf of or as third-party voter registration organizations (3PVRO) or on behalf of a political campaign. Third-party voter registration organizations are capable of collecting and returning completed voter registration forms in accordance with state law. These organizations must register with the Florida Department of State and follow strict requirements for tracking and returning completed forms. Failure to properly return forms on behalf of the voter will result in fines to the organization. For more information regarding third-party voter registration organziations, or to verify the status of a third-party voter registration organization, visit https://dos.myflorida.com/elections/for-voters/voter-registration/third-party-voter-registration-organizations/

You are not required to complete a form or give a form to a third-party voter registration organization, or any other individual soliciting voter registration or personal information. You may instead choose to register, confirm, or update your voter record directly with the Supervisor of Elections by using the website at votewalton.gov, calling our office at (850) 892-8112, or coming to one of our offices in person. 
